14 December 2006

Lost your job? Cool down

Lost your job? Cool down

So, your last job didn't exactly pan out. Maybe your boss or your co-workers were jerks, or U were laid off - or even fired. Now, U are looking forward to your next job interview.

What is your biggest hurdle?
Is it job references, or your spotty resume, or even your former boss?
No, it's probably your attitude & preparation. A positive, forward-looking attitude impresses employers, while a negative attitude can be a turn-off. A candidate who is prepared -- who has researched the company s/he is interviewing with & the position & knows what she can bring to the job -- appears professional & mature, worthy of being considered.

An unprepared candidate gives the appearance of being disorganised & unprofessional & only reinforces any impression that might be given in a bad reference.

Here are some "Do's & Don'ts" to improve your attitude & preparation before your big interview:

Don't worry.
Worrying is only natural, but most people, at one time or another, had a job that didn't work out. Chances are that your interviewer may have even been let go from a job. Worrying saps your energy & leaves U powerless. Instead, take some active steps before the interview to practice responding to any possible objections that U believe an employer would have to hiring you.

Counter a poor reference with many other good ones.
Prepare ahead if U think your former boss may give U a bad reference. Call other former employers who thought well of U & would give U a good reference, & obtain a letter of recommendation. The more letters of recommendation U are able to provide, the less significant a bad reference will appear. Ultimately, a decision-maker will weigh all the evidence & may weigh references in your favour.

Prepare to answer hard questions professionally.
Hard questions are part of any interview, but they can seem even harder when your last job did not work out. Prepare possible hard questions & the answers U would give to them if asked. Have your friends or relatives listen to your answers & give U their opinions on how the answers sound. There is no shame in having left a job if U can articulate why the job didn't work out for U & what U learned from the experience.

Know your accomplishments & your value.
Believe that U do bring value & skills to a prospective employer. Spend some time thinking about what U accomplished at your previous jobs. What skills do U bring to the table? Are these skills in demand? Make a list & review it again & again. This will improve your attitude & self-confidence & will help U at your interview.

Don't blame other people for your previous work problems.
Responsible employees are in demand. Interviewers do not like candidates who make excuses. Discuss your accomplishments instead of the negative aspects of your previous job. If U have to talk about why the job did not work out, discuss what U learned from the experience that will make U a better employee in the future.

Keep searching & don't get discouraged.
The reason U did not get a job may have absolutely nothing to do with you. If U did not get the job, do write & then call the interviewer to find out why U were not hired. Make it clear that U are not trying to change their decision, only to get information that will help U in your job search. Learn from each interview & continue searching.

Don't get discouraged!

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