29 October 2005

You love her, then...........

1. Watch the sunset together.
2. Whisper to each other.
3. Cook for each other.
4. Walk in the rain.
5. Hold hands.
6. Buy gifts for each other.
7. Roses.
8. Find out their favourite cologne/perfume & wear it every time you're together.
9. Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.
10. Write poetry for each other.
11. Hugs are the universal medicine.
12. Say I love you, only when you mean it & make sure they know you mean it.
13. Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.
14. Tell her that she's the only girl you ever want. Don't lie!
15. Spend every second possible together.
16. Look into each other's eyes.
17. Very lightly push up her chin, look into her eyes, tell her you love her, & kiss her lightly.
18. When in public, only flirt w/ each other.
19. Put love notes in their pockets when they aren't looking.
20. Buy her a ring.
21. Sing to each other.
22. Always hold her around her hips/sides.
23. Take her to dinner & do the dinner for two deal.
24. Spaghetti? (Ever see Lady & the Tramp?)
25. Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand & then put it over your heart.
26. Dance together.
27. I love the way a girl looks right after she's fallen asleep with her head in my lap.
28. Do cute things like write I love you in a note so tht they have 2 look in a mirror 2 read it.
29. Make excuses to call them every 5 minutes
30. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call & say I love you.
31. Call from your vacation spot to tell them you were thinking about them.
32. Remember your dreams & tell her about them.
34. Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears.
35. Be Prince Charming to her parents.
36. Brush her hair out of her face for her.
37. Hang out with his/her friends.
38. Go to church/pray/worship together.
39. Take her to see a romantic movie & remember the parts she liked.
40. Learn from each other & don't make the same mistake twice.
41. Describe the joy you feel just to be with him/her.
42. Make sacrifices for each other.
43. Really love each other, or don't stay together.
44. Let thr never be a 2nd during any given day tht u aren't thinking abt thm, & let them know about it.
45. Love yourself before you love anyone else.
46. Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages.
47. Dedicate songs to them on the radio.
48. Fall asleep on the phone with each other.
49. Stand up for them when someone talks trash.
50. Never forget the kiss goodnight & always remember to say, "Sweet dreams."


A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. All of a sudden he said out loud, "Lord grant me one wish."

Suddenly the sky clouded above his head & in a booming voice the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish" The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii, so I can drive over anytime I want to."

The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the logistics of that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete & steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time & think of another wish, a wish you think would honor & glorify me."

The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord, I have been married & divorced four times. All of my wives said that I am uncaring & insensitive. I wish that I could understand women. I want to know how they feel inside, what they are thinking when they give me the silent treatment, why they cry, what they mean when they say "nothing" & how I can make a woman truly happy"

After a few minutes God said, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"


*I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow is not looking good either.

*I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.

*Tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to get along without it.

*Accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days the statue.

*Needing someone is like needing a parachute. If he isn't there the first time, chances are you won't be needing him again.

*I don't have an attitude problem, you have a perception problem.

*My reality check bounced.

*On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.

*I don't suffer from stress. I am a carrier.

*Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.

*Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

*A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick on the butt.

*After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.

*Eat one live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.

*If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a fool about it.

*Everything can be filed under "miscellaneous."

*To err is human, to forgive is not our policy.

*Important letters that contain no errors will develop errors in the mail.

*If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done.

*When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.

*Following the rules will not get the job done.

*Getting the job done is no excuse for not following the rules.

*The last person that quit or was fired will be held responsible for everything that goes wrong.


Taurus April 19 - May 19
The Bull, as befits an Earth sign, is a grounded and devoted sort, but that shouldn't be construed as boring. Remember, that Bulls can charge! Taurus generally wants a harmonious and beautiful relationship, given as they are to a fondness for pretty things. Whether it's a sweet serenade or silky sheets, Taurus loves anything luxe and those who can bring that aspect into their lives. Does this make the Bull all style and no substance? Not really, since Taureans are both sentimental and romantic and possessed of a dogged determination which virtually assures that they will get what they want. Keeping the Bull feeling good is the best guarantee of a considerate lover, one which will work hard on a relationship filled with sensual pleasures.

Sweetness and light may be the best recipe for romance with the Bull. This is a sign which is oh-so-responsive to a wink and a smile and a tender touch, and if all this comes with roses and champagne, much the better. Material pleasures are important to Taureans, and they will create a den of delight sure to dazzle their lover. Seeing as how security and possessions are important to Taurus, a provider of these things will quickly make it to the top of their list. The reward? Undying loyalty and a kinship which is sure to please.

The Bull is nothing if not committed and will make a wonderful partner for the right person. A slow and steady courtship is most pleasing to this sign, and Taurus will stay in the game until they get what they want. That kind of perseverance is sexy indeed, and many will be won over by this quality alone. An unfaithful partner is the kiss of death where the Bull is concerned, so cheaters need not apply. Taurus enjoys the one-on-one of a close relationship and the affection and intimacy which this provides. The Bull is also strong enough to be the power in a relationship, so a lover is well-served to practice the art of conciliation whenever necessary. If words don't work, go shopping, because Taurus loves finery and those which can provide them the baubles they love. The ideal Taurus soulmate has a platinum card and isn't afraid to use it.

True and steady Taurus can appear a bit perfunctory on the outside, practical in that earthy sort of way. This, however, is only half the story. Deep inside is a smoldering lover waiting for the right cues. The Bull wants, and needs, to be safe and pampered, but will flourish if a lover can convince them to take a risk. When they do, watch out! The Bull can also be very focused in affairs of the heart, the risk being that possessiveness may step in. Consequently, monogamy with a certain degree of autonomy is the best balance for the Bull. Those born under this sign believe that love and sex go hand-in-hand, in that order, and that's that.

Taurus is one alluring package, thanks in part to their love of beautiful things. Those lucky enough to snare this lover will find that the best, amazingly, has been hidden from view! In private, the Bull is an intense partner and one quite happy to have sensual encounters go on all night along. The Energizer Bunny of the zodiac has arrived! These days and nights of play should be punctuated with conversation, fantasies, even a few edible treats, the better to create the perfect mood. Sex as a release from the more practical aspects of life is often all the Bull wants. If this play date can be scheduled for Taurus' beloved home, all the better, since comfort is always on the Bull's mind.

What Taurus Needs
The Bull craves someone who is strong and practical, qualities they value in their own life. One who comes bearing gifts also wins, since Taurus is responsive to both material goods and sincere, heartfelt compliments. Making Taurus feel safe is also a smart strategy for their lover, for this approach will bring out the Bull's most sensual self. Think of the Bull as a rose waiting to be picked -- the lucky one will inhale the most intoxicating perfume. Beautiful people, as well as things, work as irresistible aphrodisiacs for those born under this sign. The Taurus lover is dependable and considerate, someone who wants to be in a beautiful world and wants that special someone to share it with. Anyone lucky enough to enter that world will find a sensual soul waiting to be nurtured and explored.


Virgo August 22 - September 21
As the Sign of Service, one of Virgo's favorite roles is to be of help to friends and lovers. The industrious, efficient and well-organized Virgin will rarely have trouble pulling this off, and a banquet at their hands will mean an evening of delectable treats. Ruling Planet Mercury symbolizes Communication, hence Virgos are possessed of an ability to reason clearly, resolve issues and take a romance to new heights. The Virgin can at times be shy and a bit repressed, so someone who can bring them out of these depths will be rewarded with a vibrant lover. As well, Virgos are quite intuitive and can read between the lines, so their partner need not say much to get what they want. Concerned with health as they are, a doctor/nurse fantasy is the max for this serviceable sign!

The well-toned Virgin often has a body which is the envy of many, thanks to a healthy regimen of diet and exercise. Safe to say that a heady game of tennis followed by a leafy salad would be aphrodisiac enough for those born under this sign. Many encounters with Virgo will be a well-choreographed ballet of excellent taste, seeing as how neat surroundings and stylish accoutrements are considered important to these folks. The level-headed Virgin is also a conciliator where romance is concerned, perhaps because being in love means falling hard, and all this effort cannot be wasted. As a result, this perfectionist aims to please, and Virgo's lover will be one happy camper. Wise partners, though, will know that the Virgin also needs a place to call home.

Virgo's easygoing nature and earthy quality makes for a reliable and steady sort who relishes the opportunity to be helpful to their partner. The Virgin's devotedness also signals that a great deal of energy will go into making the relationship work. Those born under this sign tend to strive for the perfect relationship. The best reward for the oft-repressed Virgin is a lover who is willing to bring them into full flower, releasing a passionate and sensual soul. A relationship with a strong yet sensitive partner is one which is almost guaranteed success. The independent and never-clingy Virgin may seem ultra-cool on the outside, but inside smolders a red-hot ravisher waiting to release potent charms on a deserving partner. The ideal Virgo soulmate is well-dressed, empathetic and dying to show the Virgin a good time.

A natural state for Virgo in love is to analyze the situation whilst exploring it deeply. This will show off the Virgin as steady and solid, and far from a flirt. The Virgin is much more the true romantic, someone who loves to give, as well as receive, passion and uninhibited joy. Virgos really know how to make their partner feel special, so some heat between the sheets is likely to occur! It's one lover at a time for the loyal Virgin, who revers a relationship blessed with total honesty lest jealousy and feelings of inadequacy come to the fore. Love comes to Virgo slowly, carefully and sweetly, and the desire to learn all about their lover makes those born under this sign ideal lovers themselves. A Virgo in love is a sight to behold, a relaxed and confident soul.

So often, the sizzle in sex is in the details, and Virgo is a master of minutae. The lover as perfectionist is Virgo personified, someone who will see to it that the little things are never overlooked. The Virgin finishes what it starts in the bedroom, and this cozy chamber is likely to be a dreamy den done with discriminating taste. The servant in Virgo is only more than happy to be everything their lover desires; if that lover can bring out Virgo's sensual self, the reward will be a most liberated lover. A cool exterior tends to mask Virgo's wild side, often a fantasy world filled with erotica safely under wraps. The lover who can reach these sexual treats is lucky, indeed.

What Virgo Needs
The striving achiever that is Virgo lusts for someone who can play in their league. Sports are often the perfect release for partners, since the Virgin adores the one who shares their love for good health and excellence. Those born under this sign want, and need, a strong and free lover who will draw them out and acquaint them with sexual pleasure. A partner who is secure and can take the initiative, who can easily communicate sexual and romantic feelings, will win Virgo's heart. If Virgo can mate with someone who'd have sex at the beach as easily as in the bedroom, it could be a match made in heaven! With Virgo, it's all in the details and doing things right. The caring and romantic Virgin knows that the small things in life and love do matter. Couple that with an eagerness to serve, and the Virgin's lucky lover is in for a wonderful ride!


Scorpio October 22 - November 20
Ruling the House of Sex can either be a blessing or a curse, and a lot depends on how the wily Scorpion deals with this erotic burden. Those mystical and magical creatures born under the sign of Scorpio are quick to channel their raw energy, power and strength into an exploration of their lover's emotions and sexuality. The Scorpion is intuitive and wants to get to the bottom of things, so there's no keeping secrets from this sexy kat (although they'll surely keep a few of their own). An alluring resourcefulness and self-confidence is also evident in Scorpios, these folks being keenly attuned to what's best for them and how to get it. Anyone willing to take on the Scorpion will be engaging a cosmic power with plentiful sexual urges. The good news? A caring and devoted lover awaits. On the flip side, don't cross 'em, because those pincers can leave a heckuva welt.

There's a hard-to-pin-down, magnetic quality which surrounds the Scorpion, an aura which says "try me if you dare!" And that's just what Scorpions want, someone fearless who is willing to help create the ultimate romance, one which will take them to greater heights than ever before. When this works, the Scorpion's passions are unleased with hurricane force. If, however, the romance zigs and zags, bouts of jealousy may be the unwelcome result. Ruling planets Mars, and Pluto might prompt Scorpio to think that romance is a clash of wills, but a clever lover is the one who can bring this warrior to see that a pincer movement to the heart is the sweetest of all.

Guess who's in charge here? You've got it, the strong Scorpion, who is not quite ready to be controlled by others. This can make for an interesting relationship dynamic and one very sexy chess game. What the Scorpion wants are sex, love and money from a lover, and the absolute best where all three are concerned. Deep down, though, it's sex and the power it brings which carry the most weight with this libidinous soul. Scorpions are possessed of a steely determination and a strong sense of what is best for them. Thankfully, this often takes into account their partner, and they are quick to be giving with the right lover and to make their life very easy. As long as the Scorpion wins, there will be harmony in the mating game. The ideal Scorpio soulmate can go twelve rounds anywhere, anytime, and preferably in bed.

The Scorpion is as clever in love as in life: much of what's going on is a tactical game, one they are more than likely to win. Scorpios can be very sexy when in love, and that says a lot about members of this already sexy sign. When in love, the Scorpion can be intensely passionate, a rush of fluid feelings in keeping with this Water-born sign. Often, though, there is a push-pull in the dance of love, thanks to the Scorpion's many motivations. A lover who is willing to discover what's really beneath the surface will serve both the Scorpion and themselves very well.

The Sex God of the Zodiac has quite a lot to live up to! And the Scorpion does just that, thank you very much. The sexual prowess and drive of those born under this sign is legendary. Scorpions smolder with every come-hither look, alluring wink of an eye and mysterious stare. If you want to ride a tiger to an emotional and sexual crescendo, jump on the curvy back of the sleek Scorpion. The Scorpio lover has an almost hypernatural libido and loves giving sensual pleasure, although receiving it is nice, too. Variety as the spice of life is the golden rule here, and Scorpio loves to choreograph the scene for maximum mutual satisfaction. Any lover stepping into this lair best be ready, since keeping up is a must. Scorpions adore a lover who can go on forever, the perfect gift for this truly sexual being. If that lover brings some toys along, things will be tied up oh-so-neatly. Ooh.

What Scorpio Needs
A challenge is something which makes the Scorpion swoon -- the prospect of someone who can test them, who can make the game fast and fun, is almost irresistible. Scorpio, of course, wants nothing but the best, so winners only need apply. Scorpions are also eager to find a strong, understanding and perceptive partner, someone who embraces the many facets of this volcanic lover. What else? Someone who won't judge them, who possesses raw personal power themselves, who keeps the game interesting, who has a red-hot sex drive and who knows how to talk when it's important to the relationship. Not much to ask, eh? The Scorpio lover is determined, forceful, has great passion and strength and finishes what they start. This is a powerful and sexual being who isn't for the faint-hearted. Those with guts are bound for glory!


Sagittarius November 21 - December 20
The sign of the Archer rules the House of Philosophy, something which speaks volumes about these inquisitive, knowledge-seeking souls. Sagittarians are truth seekers, focused intensely on learning about their lover and exploring them more deeply. Truth be told, the Archer wants to explore everything deeply, so conversations in bed can run the gamut from religion to politics and which position is most comfortable. These versatile and charming folks enjoy taking a long drink from the cup of life, something which also makes them exceedingly flirtatious and great social animals. Sagittarian candor is only matched by the need for independence, a guileless raison d'etre which can be an aphrodisiac to many. The Archer loves a challenge, just the kind of thing which spices up their already hot love life.

The game of love is a straightahead affair for the Archer, one where the rules are laid down from the start. A good time is important to Sagittarians, so playful dates will be the right appetizer for this zesty lover. Those born under this sign are intuitive and as a result have a good sense of what, and who, they want. The one lucky enough to get in their sights is in for a wild time! Possibly the sexiest part of the game for the Archer is maintaining a sense of independence in the face of a blooming relationship -- there is nothing sexier for these folks. One possible exception might be honesty, which is often why a Sagittarian lover is also a best friend.

Mental fireworks will surely fly in a relationship with the Archer, for nothing seems worthwhile without them. This eagerness to learn can make for one very curious lover. Sagittarians love the idea of a companion, a friend/partner who can share in their quest for truth and knowledge. This relationship will be active and spirited, filled with adventures to faraway lands as well as exotic fantasies in the bedroom. Traveling has never been more fun than with the Archer! This enthusiasm comes with a keen sense of loyalty for a deserving partner, but the Sagittarian's lover must be careful not to make the mistake of becoming boring or possessive. If so, they'll be vanquished from the lair (minor rifts, though, are gladly patched up in bed). The ideal Sagittarius soulmate is well-read on everything from Philosophy to Sex and not afraid to practice what they preach.

Love is wonderful for many, but it's a bit of an enigma for the Archer. What, after all, is love? To libidinous Sagittarians, it's often sex, plain and simple. These straight-shooters want a partner who is a mental and physical equal, yet one who understands "love" on their terms. This means mutual independence and an ability for each partner to do, and be, exactly what they want. Love can be hard for the Archer, since a fear of intimacy often swirls around them. For this reason, a friendship first is often the best way to encourage a love relationship with these folks. If this can be achieved, it's splendor between the sheets.

The Archer is a Fire sign: 'nuff said, at least where sex is concerned. The initial Sagittarian response where sex is concerned is through physicality as opposed to emotion or practicality. The Archer is not shy, and like the half beast/half human that he/she represents, is quite the sexual animal. In other words, these folks are always ready! Sagittarians like to enjoy many an erotic experience, in keeping with their outgoing and sociable nature. Their great libido also lends itself best to an artistic and graceful lover, qualities they very much admire. Trying new things is also often on the Archer's mind, and when their lover says sex on the beach, they best not be referring to a fruity drink. The Sagittarian's thirst for knowledge is often quenched through straight talk in bed, a way to combine two of their favorite pleasures. Sagittarians can also grow to worship a worthy lover, a fitting response to this holiest of acts.

What Sagittarius Needs
A true friend who can go toe-to-toe with the discerning Archer while not making any serious demands spells pure bliss as a partner. These independent souls also prize a lover who understands and embraces the value of alone time. Mental stimulation can be as exciting as the sexual kind for Sagittarians, and if conversation is honest and open, things will continue to develop and grow. An equal in the bedroom is also a delicious reward. Foreigners, or anyone fairly exotic, are often an irresistible lure to the Archer. The Sagittarius lover is a philosopher, wanderer and explorer who insists on living life to the fullest. The zest for adventure and quest for knowledge they possess will move many. Only independent folks need apply for this red-hot ride!


Pisces February 19 - March 18
The sign of the Fish rules the House of the Unconscious, which says a lot about the world that Pisceans live in. A dreamy state is very attractive to these folks, one where some delicious secrets are hidden from their lover, only to be sprung upon them at the right moment. The Fish enjoys alternating between conscious and unconscious states, the better to develop a romance in their vivid minds. When it's back to earth, Pisceans are selfless and intuitive and love to serve their lover. Showering a partner with exquisite fantasies and other sweet things becomes a blissful state for both. The emotions of the Fish run deep and can be rather erotic if their lover knows how to release them. Those born under this Water sign can flow like a river and have a sensitive and spiritual nature which can be quite alluring.

Whoever coined the term "dream lover" must have been thinking of the Fish, for these folks often have their head in the clouds, playing with this fantasy or that. Truth be told, can there be a better place for romance? Once back to Earth, the shy Fish will pursue affairs of the heart slowly, carefully and prettily, their aesthetic sensibilities as finely tuned as any sign of the Zodiac. The magical mystery tour of romance with Pisces can be most unpredictable, with hearts and flowers one day and games with veils the next. Either way, they will definitely serve their lover, for this is something which brings them great joy. It's a seductive romance dance for the Fish, and a great one at that, for there is hardly anywhere else they'd rather be.

Pisceans exhibit an easygoing, go-with-the-flow quality which is a boon to relationships. These folks would definitely rather make love and not war, the better to stay in their sybaritic, dreamlike state. The Fish's relationship with their lover is characterized by imagination, sensitivity and great emotions, and they'll sometimes wear their heart on their sleeve. Because of this, a lover who can protect them and make them feel safe (as opposed to the dreaded vulnerability) is ideal. Giving is also paramount in the Pisces mind, yet sometimes those born under this sign run the risk of giving too much, thanks to their selfless nature. The appropriate push-pull, or melding of the yin and the yang, will mean beautiful music for the Fish and their lover. The ideal Pisces soulmate is more grounded than they are but still loves to play.

As with so much of Pisces' life, if love can be a dreamy state of fantasies and play, a magical tour of mind, body and soul, all the better. These spiritual folks like to combine the real and surreal, so that love with the Fish becomes a creative hyper-state where almost anything is possible. Conservatives need not apply! There is an electric quality to the Fish that makes them almost magnetic in love, although their lover may not be sure just quite what it is that is so attractive. This mysterious quality which Pisceans possess can be quite the aphrodisiac in the game of love. The Fish is an empathetic sort and loves to serve their lover. These folks also love completely, for this sacred state is about the best that life on Earth can bring. Love can be scary for the Fish, but when it's right, it's likely to transcend all limits and reach a brave new world.

Sex is an emotional affair for the Fish, as is the case with much of their lives. Pisces is a sensual and creative lover, adoring playful sex and romping through erotic fantasies. Shyness goes out the door if it's the bedroom door we're talking about! The Fish has a great appetite for sex and loves to keep things fluid and changeable. If their lover can indulge them in flights of fancy, they'll be primed all night long. For Pisceans, love and sex as a complete union is best, the better to feel safe, free and totally uninhibited. The Fish also loves to please their lover, so this union will definitely sizzle for two. As for the sexiest kind of play, it's in the water for the wet and wild Fish.

What Pisces Needs
The Fish adores that person who can help complete them, again a yin to their yang. That person who can draw them out and gently bring them down to a safe place on Earth is a keeper. Pisceans also crave a comfort level, a certain sense of security which says "hey, you're okay" and helps them to relax and trust. If their lover can protect them from the harsh realities of life and keep them from retreating to the safety of a dream world, all the better. Loving creative play as they do, a partner who can feed Pisces' muse will insure a serendipitous journey for both. The Pisces lover is caring and compassionate, a sensitive and intuitive soul who brings a starry-eyed quality to the real world. The mystical and magical Fish can make playtime a lifetime of fun with the right person. Anyone primed for adventures into the unknown will find it here!


Libra September 22 - October 21
Libra, as befits the sign of the Scales, revers balance and harmony above all. If this can be achieved with a partner, even better, for Libra rules the House of Partnerships and revels in things that come in twos. The Scales are sociable and shine in social situations, where their gift of communication is an attraction to many. Librans also want to be liked, even loved, by those who cross their path, and it can be very hard to resist the Scales when they are at their most charming and magnetic selves. It's not unusual for Librans to possess an easy grace and sense of style and move languidly throughout a room. Behind that pretty facade is a smart, often smoldering soul who knows how to get what they want, and would love nothing more than to do so fairly and justly. When the Scales find the partner they've been searching for, it could be a match made in hot heaven.

"Make love, not war" is a phrase which must have been coined with a Libra in mind. Those born under this sign love to talk and find agreement with a partner as opposed to angrier alternatives. Romance for these folks can often be a sexy tug-of-war, with Libra letting someone get close but not too close. Courtship where Libra is concerned is a beautiful affair, as befits someone ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure. Hearts and flowers are a must, and Libras showered with a sea of beautiful things are likely to be most receptive to amorous entreaties. While Libras can appear cool, calm, even aloof to a lover, they are incredibly playful and romantic once they relax. A lover who plays fair is a must for Libra; if not, subtle manipulations, despite the Scales' best effort, may surface.

Where the Scales are concerned, they love looking at all sides of an issue and can easily "walk a mile in another man's shoes." This kind of magnanimous outlook is a boon in relationships and makes those born under this sign a pleasure to deal with in the give and take of affairs of the heart. As befits their beautiful world, Librans love to be loved and lusted after, although they may initially do so from a safe distance (at least internally). Talk about teasing! Even so, in a relationship, Librans can alternate between being the dependant and dominant partner, based in part on what their sense of fair play tells them. Above all, the diplomatic-to-a-fault Libra would rather not argue with their lover, preferring instead to talk things out in the hopes of achieving sybaritic harmony. The ideal Libra soulmate talks a great game and has the confidence (and dazzling good looks) to deliver the goods.

There is no doubt that Libras enjoy being in love and the sexy, shimmery sheen which this blessed state can bring. Love is a beautiful affair for the Scales, and as one who admires beauty in themselves and others and seeks pleasure, it's hard to imagine a better place to be. A Libran is a stylish conquest and as such, can make the art of love a sensual state for both partners. Librans tend to prefer a lover stronger than them, perhaps one who can teach them about themselves and help make them a more evolved lover. It's all in keeping with the Scales' desire to appear fair and do what's best for everyone.

Sex is often mental for Air signs, and Libra is no exception. These great communicators are possessed of a strong intellect, and these mental fireworks often manifest themselves in the thorough exploration of a lover. Only the brave need apply! Since the Scales like to be in balance, though, they are often thinking of what both partners want. A marked distaste for confrontation can sometimes be perceived as disinterest on Libra's part, but it's more often just a deep-down desire to please. Libras love foreplay and plenty of talk leading to some hot action. If this is all achieved in the right, luxurious setting, watch out! Scales which are swathed in riches are a pleasure to behold. Libra loves the thought of a gifted and attractive partner, since they feel their partner is receiving just that. Safe to say that a little erotica goes a long way with the Scales, since these folks can be oh-so-playful with their toys.

What Libra Needs
The partner who can encourage Libra to be honest, open, trusting and free is on the right track. The Scales crave someone who can give them feedback and support, and affirm that they are a treasure to behold. Wooing them with gifts can be the right stimulant. Some long talks, along with a lesson in give-and-take, can also work wonders. Anyone who can bring Libra to an open state, who can get them to think less and feel more, will be rewarded with a grateful and passionate lover. The Libra lover is a harmonious soul who adores love, beauty and the romance dance. Anyone who can take this pleasure principle and make it seductively mental is bound to be at the top of their list. Blissfully partnered Libras exude a sex appeal which is off the charts!


Leo July 22 - August 21
The creative and romantic Lion rules the Zodiac's House of Pleasure, insuring that any romp with this cat will include sensory as well as sensual delights. The playful Lion loves fun and is a supremely social animal. If Leos can act out their fantasies on a public (even private) stage, all the better, for those born under this sign truly believe they're the star. As befits the King/Queen of the Zodiac, Leos are leaders and their powerful presence, as well as staying power, insures them success in their conquests. Romance is also a princely quality for the Lion, and those who ensnare this passionate animal may well be rewarded with a wonderful and inventive lover. Like the ruling Sun, which is at the center of the universe, Leos love to have the world revolve around them.

Affairs of the heart will quickly take on a "me first" quality with the Lion, since they truly believe they are the best and must come first. Leos love to feel good, as befits royalty, so they will respond exceptionally well to pampering and flourishes. While Leos loves to be admired and adored, they can also take the lead in romance, since they believe their strength and power will win the day. When the Lion gets going, watch out! Passionate fireworks will fly, since these folks know how to turn on the charm, and the heat. Since all the world's a stage to the prancing, dancing Lion, fun, excitement and a little razzle-dazzle are all part of their repertoire. Leos are willing to gamble where romance and love are concerned, since losing is not in their vocabulary.

A relationship with the daring, yet devoted, Lion will rarely prove dull. This showy cat may need to be lavished with attention, but can also ravish a lover with riches in return. A slow, smoldering pas de deux which leads to mutual bliss is what the Lion would love from a partner. The fiery Lion requires a lover who can keep up with them, and certainly one who can match wits. If not, the risk of boredom and flight is a big one, since Leo has very high expectations. A partner who can understand, and indulge, the Lion's need to be the center of attention will be a keeper for this regal cat. The ideal Leo soulmate understands the pleasure principle and will work hard to keep their mate satisfied.

The strength and amorous prowess which Leos possess makes them a natural leader in the dance of love. This cat may want to rule, but it also wants to be admired, which makes for a love filled with sexual tension. Even so, the Lion's generous and giving nature makes certain that a lover will feel special. The Lion may test a lover from time to time in their quest for answers about love: what is is really? how can I feel it the most? The one with the best answers to these questions will surely make this cat purr. Love is a most attractive state for Leos, since the pleasure, attraction and fun of the game are all qualities which make the Lion glow.

As befits a Fire sign, there is a great physicality, white heat and ardor which emanates from the Lion -- in the right circumstances. The Lion wants action first and foremost, and if the moves are being made on them, all the better. When Leos are being made love to, slow, steady love, they are flattered into a state of ecstasy. This kind of approach will help create a Lion who is a very confident lover. Leos are utterly aroused when a partner revels in their beauty and aura and tells them how wonderful it is. As their gracious gift, the Lion will show their partner just how much that compliment meant! The Lion loves foreplay, and a well-placed mirror or two would be nice, too, since that flowing mane and cat-like quality are begging to be watched.

What Leo Needs
What the King/Queen of the Jungle wants more than anything else is to be fawned over. Being a devoted sort, the Lion will return this gesture in kind, making a partner feel special, indeed. A lover who comes bearing gifts, exudes class and remembers that it's nothing but the best for this stellar cat is clever and wise. The one who can bring out the true Lion, which is often hiding behind the glare of white lights and preening to an adoring crowd, will do both of them a favor.

In the end, Leo's lover must always remember who is number one and act on this all the time. The Leo lover is giving and devoted, and lives for the pleasures that life can bring. One of these is putting them squarely in the spotlight, where they believe they truly belong. Anyone willing to bask in the Lion's warm glow is in for a red-hot time!


Capricorn December 21 - January 19
The worker bees of the Zodiac are Capricorns, an ambitious and determined lot who are willing to do what it takes to get what they want. Sounds like this work could be fun where love is concerned, especially if the payoff is silky sweet. Much like the Sea Goat which symbolizes the members of this sign, Capricorn is forever climbing and reaching for greater heights. Where a lover is concerned, the crescendo of dating, romance and mating can be electric, indeed. The Sea Goat is also organized and is happy to craft a beautiful romance for that special someone. Social status is also important to Capricorn, so it's more than likely that the mating game will involve a healthy dose of glamour and dazzle. The one who wins their heart will be powerful in both the boardroom and the bedroom. Yes, power is a strong aphrodisiac for the sleek Sea Goat, and in return, their lover will get a most devoted and grateful partner.

The often traditional, somewhat reserved and usually cautious Sea Goat is certain to take some time to size up the stakes in the game of love. Capricorn knows what they want, and once they fix their eyes on the prize, will work hard to get it. These folks are winners and often attract the same. They also like things to be orderly and pretty, and know that they'll get much more with honey than with vinegar. Focused as they are on appearances, Capricorn is likely to lure an attractive lover and one will give them the full flush of love. Nothing could be sexier! The smart Sea Goat enjoys combining the practical and the romantic, which means that anything a deux is likely to combine both work and play. Toiling with this prancing animal, though, can be loads of fun.

Where the "us" thing is concerned, Capricorn keeps the ground rules pretty simple: those with money, power and the trappings of success should step up to the plate. A relationship with the Sea Goat does cut both ways, for those born under this sign will work hard at taking a union with the right person to newer and continually greater heights. If their lover can throw in a dash of excitement along the way, all the better, since the Sea Goat loves a splashy social occasion and the chance to flash some finery. A bit of solidity along with excitement and passion is just the right mix. In the ideal relationship, the Sea Goat is a wellspring of love, a lover who can give of themselves completely and protect the object of their affections. Capricorn's ideal soulmate is at the top of their game and willing to take the Sea Goat along for this stylish ride.

The person out there wailing "Is that all there is?" a la Peggy Lee might well be a Capricorn, since love can at times be difficult for these folks. This measure of mistrust might well be attributed to a fear of losing onself in affairs of the heart. The good news is that with the right one, the Sea Goat positively blooms in love and is a loyal and devoted partner. When they give, their love is total. Not only that, it's also delicious for both, since Capricorns can easily engage in dreamy states where their lover's complete satisfaction is all that's on their mind. This can mean creating a beautiful home (although it's likely to be with their lover's money) or being the perfect partner at a party. Love is a blissful state for the Sea Goat and one which they will work hard to keep.

Behind that cool Capricorn exterior lies a white-hot interior waiting to be discovered by a worthy lover. Splendor beneath the sheets is likely to be a straightahead affair for the Sea Goat, since this practical, earthy sort doesn't need anything flashy or fancy to get aroused. The arousal here is from being happily in love, since love and sex do go hand in hand for Capricorn. The Sea Goat is a persistent, passionate and loyal lover, so whoever is on the receiving end is in for a guaranteed good time. While Capricorns abhor being dependent on their lover, they would certainly like to be nurtured by them and exposed to new levels of delight. There is no doubting that the frisky Sea Goat can explode with an understanding, strong and libidinous partner.

What Capricorn Needs
The competitive streak in the Sea Goat means that they are attracted to a game that's fun, and also one which they can probably win. It's likely that their sights will be fixed on someone classy and sexy, and also with plenty of money and tales of success to turn heads, including theirs. The right partner is also responsive and has their feet planted firmly on the ground, as they do. If the Sea Goat's mate can both chill them out and bring them out, it could be a match made in sexy heaven. The Capricorn lover sets goals, works hard and won't be denied. They are ambitious yet devoted, an intense (often internal) flame waiting to burn for the right person. Those lucky enough to latch on will have a winner in their midst, and a fun one at that!


Cancer June 20 - July 21
Home is where the heart is for Cancer, a great nurturer and protector of family, home and tradition. This sign is ruled by the Moon, and the Crab's emotions often swing with the cycle of that shimmering orb. Catch that mood on an upswing and you are likely to encounter a caring and devoted soul who can easily take the lead in romance. The strong-willed, persistent Crab will usually get its way, but that's not a bad thing, since it usually means being drawn into a "shell" which is rife with carnal pleasures. As is natural to a Water sign, Cancer's moods can flow like a meandering river or rage like the highest seas. Either way, the Crab rewards brave sailors with a seductive nest in which to test many moods, feelings and emotions. Scarlett O'Hara, that great protectress of Tara, must've been a Crab!

Where the romance dance is concerned, the Crab enjoys being the initiator in the game of love. Gentle, tender probing can soon turn to heightened passion, and few will be able to resist Cancer's charms, which is just fine. Romance here often involves a beautifully prepared meal, since those born under this sign have an innate feel for the comforts of home and the joys they can bring. This love of physical and emotional well-being which the Crab must have is a duty which a partner must help to fulfill. If this isn't achieved, the Crab might retreat into its pesky shell. When Cancerians are in full flower, they can make their lover feel like the center of the universe, and might feel the same way themselves.

Call it a sixth sense, good gut or intuition, but whatever the name, the Crab has it. Members of this sign have an excellent instinct for which partner will serve them well, and once they hone in, it's a laser beam shot. Cancer's charm and magnetism are qualities which will prove most alluring to a lover, and coupled with their nurturing need, will prove hard to resist. The Crab loves to feel secure, so a lover who remembers birthdays and other special days, or simply pops a bottle of champagne for no special reason, will be rewarded with tenderness and affection. If the Crab tests a lover with occasional bouts of jealousy, it's only because a stronger emotional response is craved. The ideal Cancer soulmate can spoon on the couch and watch TV all night long.

A slow, yet smoldering, courtship is what the Crab loves. What's the rush, anyway? The Crab is determined to win, so the prelims should go on for as long as possible. Once love is in the air, Cancerians prove themselves devoted lovers, protective of the object of their affections and unusually helpful and sympathetic. The Crab is an emotional bag of tricks and will feel most things very strongly, so don't be the one to cross them. That said, Cancer may be the perfect sign for a lover seeking pampering and seduction, someone who is willing to learn a thing or two in the game of love. An honest love, and lover, become Cancer, for it is in this safe environment that they are best able to create a warm home and indulge their nurturing instincts.

Like the rest of their life, a sexual encounter with Cancer is much like a slow dance, but if you've got the right moves, you can take the Crab to a torrid tango. Ole! The emotional firepower that can be aroused within Cancer usually manifests itself as a series of wonderful fantasies and less as sexual acrobatics. Either way, it's pure pleasure for both partners. The Crab is also quite intuitive and can generally sense what their lover wants, which makes an encounter between the sheets a finely-tuned union. Cancer's feminine side is often on display in the bedroom, which means the Crab enjoys being made love to. The good news is that the Crab is a very receptive student! With the Crab, sex often equals love and its nurturing aspects (such as home and hearth), so anyone who can appeal to this sign's deep need for security is likely to unleash a volcanic eruption of sensual treats. Being a Water sign, Cancerians are quite fond of sex on the beach or in the sea.

What Cancer Needs
What Cancer wants most is a partner who can take things slow and easy, secure in the knowledge that the ultimate victory will be sweet for both. An exchange of emotions is also ideal for the Crab, whether it's through sex, sports or some passionately-penned correspondence. Cancerians are great one-on-one and love that type of interaction, but they are also good at parties and enjoy dazzling a crowd. Consequently, an understanding lover is key. A partner as intuitive as the Crab will also help to draw them out of their shell and keep them out. In the end, a strong partner who can set the table and be there for the Crab is heaven-sent, and if they know how to retreat when necessary, even better. The nest is the most natural place for the affectionate Crab to be, and if they can share that space with someone special...well, that's hard to beat. The emotions of this winning sign help to make Cancerians empathetic and caring lovers, the sort of people who glow like the moon and flow like the sea.


Aries March 19 - April 18
The sign of the Ram is graced by the element of Fire, and if you were to use one word to describe Aries, it could easily be heat. People born under this sign have a passion and red-hot energy which often proves irresistible. It's certainly never boring! Arians likes to initiate relationships, and the role of seducer comes to them easily. This sizzling romance dance will only work on those strong enough to stay in the game, because Aries wants a partner who can go toe-to-toe with them, whether it's over lunch or in the bedroom. Aries likes to get its way and often pits the wishes of self against what is best for the partnership, which can lead to conflict. But then, these "battles" are often foreplay which can result in some sexy fireworks of their own. The Ram is possessed of a great physicality, a sense of adventure, is wildly flirtatious and loves to play.

Arians loves the hunt, and will do whatever it takes to get the prize they want. The question in their mind will often be whether it's a prize worth keeping. Aries will take risks during the chase, but would love the object of their affections to do the same. That give and take can keep things more than interesting and going for quite some time. There is no doubt that Aries is seductive and will prove hard to resist. Sparks will fly in this competitive pas de deux, and it's all the better where the Ram is concerned. A mental attraction for impassioned Aries is often the first step and the indicator as to whether things will progress. If things work their way down -- watch out! Once hooked, Arians loves strokes and tender caresses, and a lover who will tell them that they are the best.

The demanding and passionate Ram needs an equally self-possessed lover to stimulate them and set them on fire. If not, what's the point? Arians can be fiercely loyal yet self-centered at the same time, so their partner needs to exhibit confidence and a sense of when to give them the space they need. The occasional bouts of temper exhibited by Aries are best dealt with if they are used as a prelude to a deeper understanding and the sizzle that comes with kissing and making up. Aries will stick with a relationship as long as it's hot (and fireworks are key to this fire sign), but if things start to cool down, it won't be long before they hit the road. The ideal Aries soulmate may be someone who is never, ever dull.

Aries is a moving target where love is concerned, always looking, seeking and often finding. It can be very hard to resist the Ram's magnetic charms. The aura surrounding those born under this sign is one of intensity and intrigue, so many will be tempted to step up to the plate. This is exactly what Aries wants: many opportunities to play the game of love. Some things will work and some won't, but the game is surely fun! The beauty of it all is that Aries flourishes in love, becoming a more sensuous, understanding and feeling soul. As long as Aries remembers how to share and the beauty of an "us," things can go far.

The Ram is more of a tiger where sex is concerned, and like many another sleek animal, loves the hunt, that steady pursuit of the ultimate prize. Aries is a physical and fearless lover and is blessed with the stamina to go all night long. They are not afraid to experiment sexually in their quest for pleasure, which means an open-minded lover is a must. The Mile-High Club must have been invented for these folks! Safe to say that Aries' lover must be able to satisfy, or the Ram will move on. The dominant sexual partner will likely be the Ram, and while eroticism is important, a mental connection is also favored by this sign. As if Arians weren't demanding enough, they also want to be made to feel secure in a sexual relationship, lest jealousy rear its ugly head.

What Aries Needs
The Aries lover is passionate, adventurous and energetic, loves romance and revels in the art of the chase. Those who can stand the heat will be rewarded with a loyal companion who will take them to greater heights. Life with Aries is never boring, so get ready for the ride of a lifetime.


Aquarius January 20 - February 18
The "Age of Aquarius" and the futuristic explorations it brings to mind are very much in synch with those of people born under this sign. The Water Bearer is a visionary, a caring and giving lover who sees the beauty in friendship and the mutual attainment of shared ideals. These independent souls are a fount of ideas, forever dazzling friends and other groups with their quicksilver mind and humanitarian spirit. Mental fireworks are the sexiest kind for the oft-overflowing Water Bearer, and they are captivated by a lover who shares their quest for a better world. An intuitive partner who is willing to look outside the box in the hopes of becoming a more complete being will win an Aquarian's heart straightaway. The Water Bearer is a flirtatious charmer who is at home with many but also appreciates the pleasures created by two.

Sociable Aquarius rules the House of Friends, which means that many a courtship will begin in a group setting. Once the Water Bearer zeroes in on a target, though, an offbeat and zany romance is likely to ensue. Mental gymnastics are only half the fun, since the Aquarian mind also has a great facility for creative and imaginative play. A visit to a children's museum with the idea of improving already good exhibits is entirely plausible and something which the Water Bearer can make very seductive. Safe to say that a partner who appreciates Aquarian quirks is the best bet. Since the Water Bearer will keep some secrets just that, a lover who can gently draw them out will create a romance dance that goes on and on and on.

The Water Bearer has many relationships -- the real prize, though, is in finding that perfect one. Aquarians love to give pleasure, in keeping with their altruistic and philanthropic spirit. They also tend to seek agreement in their friendly and harmonious way, a real boon in the give and take of partnership. A progressive nonconformist is a blessing to the Water Bearer, and if they can give them the space they crave, even better. The key to real passion for Aquarians, however, is in connecting with that lover who can make vulnerability safe for them. Aquarians are so often busy caring for the masses that they forget about themselves! A lover who can help the Water Bearer get in touch with their innermost feelings and teach them to put the analyzing aside will tap into a torrent of emotion waiting to be released. The ideal Aquarius soulmate is an Einstein with lots of soul.

The analytical Aquarian approaches the game of love slowly, methodically and deliberately. "Playing" the game of love is fun in and of itself and should not be rushed. While falling in love, the Water Bearer can fill myriad roles for a lover, thanks to their keen mental energy and boundless commitment to a good cause. Conversely, a lover who won't play along will meet an immovable object in righteous Aquarius. The greatest challenge in love for the Water Bearer is intimacy, the emotional and empathetic aspect of love. Without it, love is incomplete, so those born under this sign must find that space where they can feel and trust. If that is achieved, love with Aquarius can soar to the stratosphere.

As befits an Air sign, Aquarians tend to approach sex via the mind. If they can share and discuss their thoughts with their lover, matters in bed will be greatly enhanced. Their natural curiosity will also lead them to experiment with creative play between the sheets, so watch out! Pushing the envelope is a natural response for these folks, and they'll continually test the waters for ever greater pleasures. A delicious mystery lurks beneath the surface of these oft-controlled souls, and the lover who can call their bluff is in for a wild ride. The issue of mind vs. body and which is more important is also with the Water Bearer, so a lover who can convince them of the pleasure principle will set this sexual being free.

What Aquarius Needs
Aquarians often believe that their way is the best way, so it's no surprise that they'd be interested in a lover who mirrors many of their own good qualities. Social interactions and the ability to dazzle the masses for a good cause are near and dear to the Water Bearer's heart, and a helpmate in these areas is their just reward. An open-minded and flexible person, one willing to explore boundless horizons, will also help them reach new heights. A lover who exhibits warmth and understanding can fill a key void in Aquarius' life, and if they also embrace the beauty of sharing, the relationship could go very far.

The Aquarius lover is unconventional yet innovative, a charmer who can wow a crowd and draws great strength from the partner at their side. Their cup runneth over when they are in the company of a passionate and committed soul. The mental fireworks which will surely ensue are a sight to behold!

09 October 2005

Who should you marry?

Who should you marry?
If you ask most couples who are engaged why they're getting married, they will say: "We're in love." I believe is the first mistake people make when they date. Choosing a life partner should never be based on love alone. Though this may sound not politically correct, there's a profound truth here. Love alone is not the basis for getting married. Rather, love is the result of a good marriage. When the other ingredients are right, then the love will come.

Let me say it again:
You can't build a lifetime relationship on love alone. You need a lot more! Here are five questions you must ask yourself if you're serious about finding and keeping a life partner.

QUESTION 1: Do we share a common life purpose? Why is this so important?
Let me put it this way: If you're married for 20 or 30 years, that's a long time to live with someone. What do you plan to do with each other all that time? Travel, eat and jog together? You need to share something deeper and more meaningful. You need a common life purpose. Two things can happen in a marriage.

You can grow together, or you can grow apart. Fifty-per cent of the people out there are growing apart. To make a marriage work, you need to know what you want out of life and marry someone who wants the same thing. If the so and so you're in love with doesn't want the same thing you do, you might as well opt out of it now than when its too late.

QUESTION 2: Do I feel safe expressing my feelings and thoughts with this person?
This question goes to the core of the quality of your relationship. Feeling safe means you can communicate openly with this person. The basis of having good communication is trust, ie, trust that I won't get "punished" or hurt for expressing my honest thoughts and feelings. A colleague of mine defines an abusive person as someone with whom you feel afraid to express your thoughts and feelings. Be honest with yourself on this one. Make sure you feel emotionally safe with the person you plan to marry.

QUESTION 3: Is he or she a mensch?
A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person. How can you test? Here are some suggestions: Do they work on personal growth on a regular basis? Are they serious about improving themselves? A teacher of mine defines a good person as "someone who is always striving to be good and do the right thing." So ask about your significant other: What do they do with their time? Is this person materialistic? Usually a materialistic person is not someone whose top priority is character refinement. There are essentially two types of people in the world: People who are dedicated to personal growth and people who are dedicated to seeking comfort. Someone whose goal in life is to be comfortable will put personal comfort ahead of doing the right thing. You need to know that before walking down the aisle.

QUESTION 4: How does he or she treat other people?
The one most important thing that makes any relationship work is the ability to give. By giving, we mean the ability to give another person pleasure. Ask: Is this someone who enjoys giving pleasure to others or are they wrapped up in themselves and self-absorbed?

To measure this, think about the following: How do they treat people whom they do not have to be nice to, such as a waiters, bus boy, taxi driver, etc? How do they treat parents and siblings? Do they have gratitude and appreciation? Do they show respect? If they don't have gratitude for the people who have given them everything, you cannot expect that they'll have gratitude for you who can't do nearly as much for them! Do they gossip and speak badly about others? Someone who gossips cannot be someone who loves others. You can be sure that someone who treats others poorly, will eventually treat you poorly as well.

QUESTION 5: Is there anything I'm hoping to change about this person after we're married?
Too many people make the mistake of marrying someone with the intention of trying to 'improve' them after they're married. As a colleague of mine puts it, "You can probably expect someone to change after marriage and for the worse!" If you cannot fully accept this person the way they are now, then you are not ready to marry them. In conclusion, dating doesn't have to be difficult and treacherous.

The key is to try leading a little more with your head and less with your heart. It pays to be as objective as possible when you are dating, to be sure to ask questions that will help you get to the key issues. Falling in love is a great feeling, but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don't want to find yourself in trouble because you didn't do your homework.

And please abide by it.

Via: e-mail (I actually don't remember who forwarded it, thanks anyway)

30 GB for an E-mail?

Man I just saw the site and it blew me totally off course. 30 Gb worth of e-mail space, what 'n all i can do with this space? Needs thinkings........ The link is provided below...

30 Gigs

04 October 2005

How can a student pass ??

Mathemactically it may be so, but if we delete the days that we don't really feel important you'll be surprise how many days there are to study. It's not the fault of the student if he/she fails, because the year ONLY has 365 days.

Typical academic year for a student:

1. Sundays 52, Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest.
Days left 313.

2. Summer holidays 50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study.
Days left 263.

3. 8 hours daily sleep 130 days GONE.
Days left 141.

4. 1 hour for daily playing (good for health) means 15 days.
Days left 126.

5. 2 hours daily 4 fud & other delicacies (chewing properly & swallowing) means 30 days.
Days left 96.

6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal) means 15 days.
Days left 81.

7. Exam days (per year) at least 35 days.
Days left 46.

8. Quarterly, Half yearly & festival (holidays) 40 days.
Days Left 6.

9. For sickness at least 3 days.
Days left 3.

10. Movies & functions at least 2 days.
1 day left.

11. That 1 day is your birthday.

How can you study on that day,
Balance = 0

"How can a student pass ??"

Facts 2 Make Every Indian Proud

Q. Who is the co-founder of Sun Microsystems?
A. Vinod Khosla

Q. Who is the creator of the Pentium chip (90% of the today's Computers run on it)?
A. Vinod Dahm

Q. Who is the third richest man on the world?
A. According to the latest report on Fortune Magazine, it is Aziz Premji, who is the CEO of Wipro Industries. The Sultan of Brunei is at 6th position now.

Q. Who are the founder & creator of Hotmail?
A. Sabeer Bhatia

Q. Who is the president of AT&T-Bell Labs (AT&T-Bell Labs is the creator of program languages such as C, C++, Unix to name a few)?
A. Arun Netravalli

Q. Who is the GM of Hewlett Packard?
A. Rajiv Gupta

Q. Who is the new MTD (Microsoft Testing Director) of Windows 2000, responsible to iron out all initial problems?
A. Sanjay Tejwrika

Q. Who are the Chief Executives of CitiBank, Mckensey & Stanchart?
A. Victor Menezes, Rajat Gupta, & Rana Talwar.

We Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America, even faring better than the whites & the natives. There are 3.22m of Indians in

USA (1.5% of population). YET,
   38% of doctors in USA are Indians.
   36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
   34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
   28% of IBM employees are Indians.
   17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
   13% of XEROX employees are Indians.
   12% of all scientists in USA are Indians.

You may know some of the following facts. These facts were recently published in a German magazine, which deals with WORLD HISTORY FACTS ABOUT INDIA.

1. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.
2. India invented the Number system. Aryabhatta invented 'zero'.
3. The world's first University was established in Takshila in 700BC. More than
10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The
University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest
achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

4. According 2 the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language 4 computer software.

5. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans.

6. Although western media portray modern images of India as poverty striken
& underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth.

7. The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The very word "Navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.

8. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, & he explained the concept of what is now known as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published tht Budhayan's works dates to the 6th Century, which is long before the European mathematicians.

9. Algebra, trigonometry & calculus came from Inida. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks & the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 1053.

10. According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.

11. USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics tht the pioneer of wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose & not Marconi.

12. The earliest reservoir & dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.

13. Chess was invented in India.

14. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he & health scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract, fractures & urinary stones. Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India.

15. When many cultures in the world were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilisation).

16. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India 100 BC.

Quotes about India
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
-- Albert Einstein.

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend & the great grand mother of tradition.
-- Mark Twain.

If there is one place on the face of earth where all dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.
-- Frech scholar Romain Rolland.

India conquered & dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.
-- Hu Shih. (Former Chinese ambassador to USA)


BUT, if we don't see even a glimpse of tht great India in the India tht we see today, it clearly means tht we are not working up to our potential; & tht if we do, we could once again be an ever shining & inspiring country setting a bright path for rest of the world to follow.

Say proudly, I AM AN INDIAN.